
 KoothuParamb  Martyrs Day

History Belongs to them, they were the FLAMES of Revolutions. They were the CRUSADERS against - Injustice, They fought against inequality incessantly. They rebelled the brutality of so called omnipotent powers that be. They sacrificed everything for the downtrodden and oppressed, And to tried to redeem them. They negates Autocracy, Feudalism Imperialism, Fanaticism and Inhumanity that came and to come. They will eternally remain in the golden pages of History. Everything else will be wiped off to oblivion SPARTACUS is the epitome for all those who fought against human servitude. Revolutionary scientific pioneers can be named by a single term GALILEO. Blood that shed at the streets of CHICAGO is the Symbol of Unconquered minds of the workers and peasants the world over.

                                   Koothuparamba' is a symbol of historical struggle by the youth and students. It was a struggle against the imperialist policies and globalization propaganda of the government of Kerala. The incident happened on 25th November 1994 when the people gathered on the streets of Koothuparamba to protest against the privatization and commoditization of education. Police fired against the unarmed youth and students. Five brave and daring youths were shot dead in the police firing. Comrades K.K. Rajeevan, Madhu, Shibulal, Babu and Roshan have become the five stars of our movement against privatisation and commercialisation of education.